Wednesday, February 1, 2017


   As I came near the end of my morning walk a few days ago, I passed by an area where the grass seemed to be disturbed. Not unusual for the park, I didn't pay too much attention, but as I walked on a bit further, it dawned on me that there was something a bit different about this particular disturbance.
   Doubling back, I realized that it was not the usual divot that I was looking at, rather, the earth was actually pulled back. Perhaps that description points to more intent than was at play here (I don't imagine that someone or thing set out to lift the earth), but the appearance of it anyway filled me with some nice thoughts.
   When I think about something being pulled back or up, I imagine that it is to reveal something under or behind, and when a thing is perhaps only partially revealed, like the soil is in the picture below, I start to imagine what more there is. My thoughts become filled with possibilities.
   For me, all of what is unknown is filed with possibility. And although there are things that I find frightening in this idea (for example my lack of control over it), I do tend to see beauty, especially in the natural world, in what has yet to be determined.
   When things are finished, their completion does not allow me to enter emotionally, nor my mind to wander free.

What's under there? No, don't tell me!