Below is a picture I culled from what I thought was The New York Times, but as I searched for it there, I could not find it. Anyway, I don't care about where it's from or who took it, because for me it's importance is that it exists and moves me in the world I inhabit. I view the things that I may create in the same way.
I recently wrote in this same blog about fires burning in southern France, and feel like I understand better now that it is the hazy light that fires create in the distance that I find so beautiful. At once frighteningly definite and murky, fire and smoke both seem to announce and obscure, and it is this obscuring that especially appeals to me. Like pictures of the Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot, the 'evidence' is eclipsed by the doubt over its' very existence.
Perhaps, there in the smoke, I am searching for and hoping to find God.